Written by two 13 year olds who have nothing better to do in their spare time. (Yes, it's HOPless. NOT HOPEless!)

In The News: Donut Charged for Double Homocide.

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Earlier this week, a cop standing by a convenice store spotted a man with a gun trying to rob a senior citizen. The cop immediately took action, running to the scene, holding his gun up to the robber's head, and yelling "freeze!" The cop's speech was slurred, as reported an innocent bystander, and the robber interpreted it as "trees." The cop had been frantically chewing a donut as he spoke, and this was the cause of his misunderstoon words. Speedily jumping to avoid what the robber thought was a "falling tree," shots were fired. Nobody was hurt. Moments later, the cop, Sir Dubal Haumaside, inhaled a piece of the donut and started to choke. The cop, thinking the robber was trying to get away, fired shots. He could not control his shots, for the choking was disrupting his thoughts. He fired 17 shots. Two hit the robber, three hit the senior citizen, and seven hit a huge bear that was tearing down random tall buildings.

The officer was later interviewed. When asked about the shots he fired, he replied "It was like the donut was taking over my brain. I couldn't control any parts of my body. I was completely possesed!"

Fellow officers hurried to the scene or the crime and found a helfly depleted donut sitting right where the officer's footprints stood. The donut's hearing will be on March 23rd, 2008. It is charged for a double homocide and the killing of an endangered species. The donut could spend up to 160 years or life in prison.

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