Written by two 13 year olds who have nothing better to do in their spare time. (Yes, it's HOPless. NOT HOPEless!)

Breaking News: Flea Wins Japanese Artist Championship

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This year's winner of the Japanese Artistry School's Drawing Championship was a flea ("Jonothan Kyutass" pictured, left). The flea outdrew three world-class artists, and a clone of Pablo Picasso, which was a mistake created by a crazy Japanese scientist. The flea said the following; "I'm dearly thankful to be able to win this award. My father won it five years in a row, and his dream was to carry on being a great artist. Soon, that became my dream and look where I am now. It's such an honor to be the son of the amazing Seiksi Kyutass."

Life for Joseph is not as glamorous as you may think, however. Being a flea, it's very challenging for him to interact with normal humans. Here's what he had to say about this: "I almost get killed every day. Seriously. Most people just think I'm some disease-hoarding flee, until they learn who I am. Recently, my manager Jerry has helped me create a way of survival. (pictured below). If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be here."

Our reporters had an interview set up, but right as we were ready to ask him some questions, his manager told us that he was going to be late for his weekly artists' club. We greeted them off and thanked them for their time. It had truly been amazing to see the wonderful Jonothan Kyutass. You can read Jonothan's Blog at http://www.you-shouldnt-click-here-because-it-wont-take-you-anywhere.net/JKyutass.

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