Written by two 13 year olds who have nothing better to do in their spare time. (Yes, it's HOPless. NOT HOPEless!)

Basketball Banned in 9 Square Foot Court, Locals Riot


Mr. Kidzrguna Dy, a resident in East Dallas recently completed his goal of building a 3x3 foot miniature basketball court model in his backyard. He created the model to help him plan the layout of his brand-new 3x3 mile McDonalds that he's planning to build this fall. When we asked how a tiny basketball court model was relevant to the plans of a huge-arse McDonald's, he stated "Ga Floogiboo, ma tel kooni ma raptur asian." That was enough to convince us that his plan was a streak of genius.

His miniature b-ball court seemed to be going off without a hitch, until his neighbor reported that a gang of killer pidgeons had invaded the court and started gang wars. We were able to record the pidgeons via a hidden camera, and got proof of what happened. We are lucky enough to have a friend down here at Erazats who transforms into a pidgeon by night, named Isucko. We sent him in to get killed *cough* uh, excuse me, to get DETAILS about the gangs that were hangin' out in the courts. Here's what we captured from a tape recorder that we strapped to Isucko:

Isucko: Yo wazzup PIDGEZ?!
(Right then, a pidgeon the size of a deflated balloon tackled our feeble Isucko and cornered him, threatening to peck)
Isucko: Yo what is yo NAME?! Man back up OFFA me dawg!
Pidd-G: My name's Pidd-G, what's yours? Stringcepts?
Isucko: HAH! Oh man that was clever! *sniffle sniffle* Ooooh you got me man. But really, it's Isucko. I'm here wundrin about yo bizness up in here. Dis place aint' yours! DIS MY HOUSE!
Pidd-G: Oh, oh my goodness. I am. So. Sorry. Like, we thought this was a free party or something. We -TOTALLY- are SOOOO sorry.
Isucko: E-excuse me?
Pidd-G: COME ON GIRLS! WE'RE LEAVING! Ugh. I am DONE. I am SO. DONE. PMS is about to kick in. Better run while ya can.
Isucko: Uh...okay. Bye.

Isucko has been stuck in pidgeon form ever since. But hey, we're not complaining. The PMSing pidgeon pansy pack headed out and caused various trouble around the neighborhood, including eating all of the fattest man in the worlds' stash of ice cream. The fat man got pissed and fell over on his dog, who promptly yelped, fell out a window, and smashed a bystanding Gnome. Another Gnome came from nowhere and threw the dog at an old lady and well...yeah. You can guess the rest.

...Wow, I'm really craving some ice cream right now.

About us

  • We're Yamaki Tsuki and Isuko Ninja
  • You can contact Yamaki at yamaki.com -at- gmail.com (Change -at- to @ and make sure there are no spaces).
  • You can contact Isuko at isukomanLOL -at- gmail.com (Change -at- to @ and make sure there are no spaces).

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